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    2024-06-08 12:42:02   来源:admin

    Day 1: Explorig he Lesha Gia Buddha

    O he firs day of your hree-day rip deparig from Lesha, embark o a jourey o wiess oe of Chia's mos icoic ladmarks – he Lesha Gia Buddha. Sadig a a impressive 71 meers all, his UESCO World Heriage Sie is a marvel of acie egieerig ad Buddhis arisry.

    Day 2: Discoverig Emei Mouai

    Day wo begis wih a sceic drive o Emei Mouai, aoher UESCO World Heriage Sie reowed for is aural beauy ad culural sigificace. Upo arrival, ake a cable car ride o he Golde Summi, where breahakig paoramic views of he surroudig ladscape awai. Explore acie emples ad lush foress as you immerse yourself i he raquiliy of his sacred mouai rerea.

    Day 3: Immersig i Local Culure

    O he fial day of your rip, delve io he rich culural heriage of Lesha. Visi he Ligyu Temple, a hidde gem esled amids verda hills ad seree lakes. Here, you ca paricipae i a radiioal ea ceremoy ad lear abou he ar of Chiese calligraphy from local arisas. Wrap up your jourey wih a leisurely sroll alog he picuresque riverside promeade, soakig i he charm of his hisoric ciy.

    Experiece he bes of Lesha ad is surroudig reasures o his uforgeable hree-day our. From acie woders o aural spledors, each day promises ew adveures ad discoveries.

    上一篇:英国跟团游路线,现代与传统的完美融合    下一篇:临沂出发泰安跟团游的路线