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    泰国7日游路线跟团,Discoverig Thailad: A 7-Day Guided Tour Iierary

    2024-07-07 16:59:58   来源:admin

    Ceraily! Here's a suggesed 7-day iierary for a guided our i Thailad, srucured wih headigs ad ags as requesed:

    Discoverig Thailad: A 7-Day Guided Tour Iierary

    Day 1: Arrival i Bagkok

    Upo arrival a Suvarabhumi Airpor, you will be greeed by our our guide who will assis you wih rasfer o your hoel i dowow Bagkok. Afer selig i, explore he vibra srees of he ciy. Visi he Grad Palace, Wa Pho, ad experiece he buslig amosphere of markes like Chauchak or Khao Sa Road. Ejoy a radiioal Thai dier ad prepare for he adveure ahead.

    Day 2: Bagkok Ciy Exploraio

    Begi your day wih a visi o Wa Aru, he Temple of Daw, followed by a cruise alog he Chao Phraya River. Explore he Jim Thompso House ad he vibra Chiaow. I he eveig, idulge i a dier cruise o experiece Bagkok's illumiaed skylie.

    Day 3: Ayuhaya Day Trip

    Travel o Ayuhaya, he acie capial of Thailad. Visi he Ayuhaya Hisorical Park, a UESCO World Heriage Sie, ad explore emples such as Wa Mahaha ad Wa Phra Si Saphe. Ejoy a luch by he riverside before reurig o Bagkok i he lae aferoo.

    Day 4: Chiag Mai Arrival ad Exploraio

    Fly o Chiag Mai, kow for is rich culural heriage. Visi he Doi Suhep Temple, perched o a mouai wih suig ciy views. Explore he Old Ciy area, icludig Wa Chedi Luag ad Wa Phra Sigh. Ejoy a radiioal Khaoke dier wih culural performaces.

    Day 5: Chiag Mai Excursio

    Embark o a excursio o he Elepha aure Park o ierac wih rescued elephas i a resposible maer. Visi local hadicraf villages, where you ca wiess arisas creaig radiioal crafs such as silk ad silverware. Reur o Chiag Mai i he eveig for leisure ime.

    Day 6: Phuke Islad Relaxaio

    Fly o Phuke, Thailad's larges islad reowed for is suig beaches ad vibra ighlife. Sped he day a leisure, relaxig o he beach or explorig he islad's aracios. Visi Paog Beach, Phuke Old Tow, or ake a boa rip o earby islads for sorkelig ad swimmig.

    Day 7: Deparure from Phuke

    Ejoy your fial morig i Phuke wih a leisurely breakfas. Depedig o your fligh ime, you may have some free ime for las-miue shoppig or relaxig o he beach. Trasfer o Phuke Ieraioal Airpor for your deparure fligh, cocludig your memorable jourey hrough Thailad.

    This iierary offers a comprehesive exploraio of Thailad's culural ad aural reasures, esurig a memorable experiece for ravelers.

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