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    2024-06-29 05:04:37   来源:admin

    Day 1: Arrival i Lhasa

    Welcome o Lhasa, he hear of Tibea culure ad spiriualiy! Your 3-day guided our begis wih your arrival a Lhasa Goggar Airpor or Lhasa Trai Saio, where you'll be greeed by your kowledgeable local guide. From here, you'll be rasferred o your hoel i dowow Lhasa, givig you a chace o res ad acclimaize o he aliude.

    Afer selig i, we'll sar our exploraio wih a visi o he reowed Barkhor Sree. This buslig markeplace surrouds he Jokhag Temple, a icoic Tibea Buddhis emple ha daes back o he 7h ceury. Here, you ca wiess pilgrims from all over Tibe walkig clockwise aroud he emple, spiig prayer wheels ad chaig maras. I's a vibra iroducio o Tibea religious life ad culure.

    Day 2: Discoverig Lhasa's Culural Treasures

    Today, we delve deeper io Lhasa's rich culural heriage. Our firs sop is he Poala Palace, a UESCO World Heriage sie ad former wier residece of he Dalai Lamas. Se agais he backdrop of he Himalayas, he Poala Palace is a archiecural woder, feaurig couless rooms, chapels, ad sacred arifacs ha provide isigh io Tibea hisory ad Buddhism.

    ex, we'll visi he Sera Moasery, oe of Tibe's mos impora moaseries ad a ceer for Buddhis learig. Here, you ca wiess moks debaig i he radiioal couryard, a pracice ha has bee ogoig for ceuries. The vibra amosphere ad he suig archiecure of he moasery make i a highligh of ay visi o Lhasa.

    I he aferoo, we'll coiue o he orbuligka Palace, he summer residece of he Dalai Lamas. Surrouded by lush gardes ad seree pods, orbuligka offers a peaceful rerea where you ca lear more abou Tibea ar, hisory, ad he lives of he Dalai Lamas.

    Day 3: Explorig Beyod Lhasa

    O our fial day, we'll veure ouside of Lhasa o explore wo impora sies: he Drepug Moasery ad he Gade Moasery.

    Drepug Moasery, oce he larges moasery i he world, is locaed a he foo of Mou Gephel. As we explore is labyrihie halls ad emples, you'll gai a deeper udersadig of Tibea Buddhis moasic life ad archiecure.

    Aferward, we'll drive o Gade Moasery, perched high o Wagbur Mouai. This moasery is oe of he 'grea hree' Gelug uiversiy moaseries of Tibe ad offers breahakig views of he surroudig valleys. I's a perfec place o reflec o your jourey hrough Lhasa ad is surroudigs.

    Fially, we'll reur o Lhasa, where you'll have some free ime for las-miue souveir shoppig or leisurely srolls hrough he ciy's vibra srees.


    Our 3-day guided our of Lhasa offers a comprehesive glimpse io he spiriual, culural, ad hisorical hear of Tibe. From acie moaseries o buslig markeplaces ad seree palaces, each day is filled wih erichig experieces ha highligh he uiqueess of Tibea culure ad he warmh of is people. Wheher you're a hisory buff, a spiriual seeker, or simply curious abou his echaig regio, Lhasa promises a uforgeable jourey ha will leave a lasig impressio.

    Book your Lhasa our oday ad embark o a adveure ha combies exploraio wih culural immersio, guided by expers who are passioae abou sharig he beauy of Tibe wih you.

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