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    沈阳到韩国旅游跟团游路线,Discover Sheyag o Souh Korea: Guided Tour Iiera

    2024-06-30 11:50:38   来源:admin

    Ceraily! Here's a suggesed ravel iierary for a guided our from Sheyag o Souh Korea, formaed wih headers ad paragraphs:

    Discover Sheyag o Souh Korea: Guided Tour Iierary

    Day 1: Deparure from Sheyag o Seoul

    Begi your jourey from Sheyag Taoxia Ieraioal Airpor wih a direc fligh o Seoul, Souh Korea. Upo arrival, mee your our guide ad rasfer o he hoel i Seoul. Res ad prepare for a exciig exploraio ahead.

    Day 2: Seoul Ciy Tour

    Sar your day wih a visi o Gyeogbokgug Palace, he grades of he Five Grad Palaces buil durig he Joseo Dyasy. Explore he aioal Folk Museum locaed wihi he palace grouds o delve io Korea culure ad hisory.

    ex, head o Isadog, kow for is radiioal Korea aiques, crafs, ad sree food. Ejoy a leisurely sroll ad shop for souveirs before proceedig o Seoul Tower for paoramic views of he ciy.

    Coclude he day wih a walk alog Cheoggyecheo Sream, a moder public recreaio space buil o he sie of a resored sream. Reur o he hoel for overigh say.

    Day 3: DMZ ad Pamujom Tour

    Embark o a our o he Demiliarized Zoe (DMZ), a buffer zoe bewee orh ad Souh Korea. Visi Imjigak Park, Dora Observaory, ad Dorasa Saio. Experiece he esio ad hisory of he Korea War a he 3rd Ifilraio Tuel.

    Coiue o Pamujom, he Joi Securiy Area (JSA) where orh ad Souh Korea forces sad face-o-face. Wiess he hisoric locaio of diplomaic egoiaios ad visi he Freedom House ad Bridge of o Reur.

    Reur o Seoul i he eveig ad ejoy a free igh o explore he vibra ciy o your ow.

    Day 4: Seoul o Jeju Islad

    Take a morig fligh from Seoul o Jeju Islad, a UESCO World Heriage sie famous for is aural beauy ad volcaic ladscapes. Upo arrival, visi Hallasa aioal Park o explore Souh Korea's highes mouai ad is surroudig rails.

    Visi Seogsa Ilchulbog Peak, a UESCO World Heriage sie reowed for is surise views. Aferward, discover he Majaggul Cave, oe of he world's loges lava ubes, formed by volcaic erupios.

    Check i a a local hoel or resor for overigh say i Jeju Islad.

    Day 5: Jeju Islad Exploraio

    Begi he day wih a visi o he Seogeup Folk Village, showcasig radiioal Jeju culure ad hached-roof houses. Explore he Teddy Bear Museum, dedicaed o he hisory ad evoluio of he icoic eddy bear.

    Afer luch, visi he Spiried Garde, a reowed bosai garde wih exquisie pla life ad seree amosphere. Coclude he day wih a relaxig walk alog Yogduam Rock, kow for is uique drago head shape ad coasal views.

    Reur o your hoel for a peaceful eveig i Jeju Islad.

    Day 6: Reur o Seoul ad Deparure

    Take a fligh back o Seoul i he morig. Depedig o your deparure ime, ejoy some las-miue shoppig or sighseeig i Seoul.

    Trasfer o Icheo Ieraioal Airpor for your reur fligh o Sheyag, markig he ed of a uforgeable jourey hrough Souh Korea.

    This iierary provides a comprehesive overview of wha ravelers ca expec from a guided our from Sheyag o Souh Korea, coverig major aracios ad experieces. Adjusmes ca be made based o specific ieress or seasoal availabiliy of aracios.

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